©Alex Andrews

HITEC Advisory Board

The HITEC Advisory Board oversees the strategic development of structures and concepts and ensures that the standards of doctoral training are internationally comparable. It acts as an external quality control body, is composed of internationally recognized academics and industry representatives, and advises on the content and strategic direction of the Graduate School. It also selects the candidates for the annual HITEC Fellowships.

Members of the HITEC Advisory Board (further members are currently being appointed)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Birner

Meterological Insitute

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Panne

BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung

Prof. Dr. Susanne Siebentritt

Faculty of Science,
Technology and Communication
Laboratory for Photovoltaics
University of Luxembourg

Former members of the HITEC Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Martine Baelmans

University of Leuven Energy Institute
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Prof. Dr. T.W. Clyne

Department of Materials Science
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom

Dr.-Ing. Dirk Goldschmidt

Siemens AG Power Generation
Mülheim an der Ruhr

Prof. Dr. Michaela Hegglin

Department of Meteorology
University of Reading
United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. Donal Murtagh

Department of Earth and Space Sciences
Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling
Chalmers University of Technology

Prof. Dr. Jenny Nelson

Department of Physics
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Dr. Beate Scholz

Scholz CTC GmbH 

Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Seifert

Institute for Applied Materials (IAM)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
HITEC Advisory Board 2019, from right to left: U. Rau (HITEC Scientific Director), B. Scholz, D. Murtagh, S. Siebentritt, U. Panne, H. Seifert (not on the picture: B. Clyne, M. Hegglin)