©Karsten Würth

What is HITEC?

HITEC stands for Helmholtz Interdisciplinary Doctoral Training in Energy and Climate Research.  HITEC is a graduate school of Forschungszentrum Jülich, founded in 2011 in partnership with RWTH Aachen, Ruhr University Bochum, the University of Cologne, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, and the University of Wuppertal.

Expertise I Training I Supportive Environment
  • Academic and research leaders in their field
  • Scientific and professional training programme
  • Enabling and supportive supervision
  • Structured mentoring programms
  • 3-year dissertation phase, fully funded

Research I Topics I Methods

Materials Science I Photovoltaics I Hydrogen Research I Battery Research I Systems Research I Climate  Systems I Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry I Fusion I Nuclear Waste Disposal I Energy Systems I Electron Microscopy I  Spectroscopy I Process Technology I Coating I Simulation I  Energy Storage Systems I Electrial and Mechanical Engineering

HITEC member Institutes I Universities I International Partners
  • Learning together and network building
  • Knowlege exchange across the boundaries of different disciplines
  • Become part of a larger community



Marianne Feldmann

Managing Director HITEC
Buildg. 4.7, R 317
(0)2461 - 61 8811

Dr. Philipp Gutbrod

Managing Director HITEC
Buildg. 4.7, R 317
(0 )2461 - 61 6387

Saskia Nieke

HITEC Office
Buildg. 4.7, R 318
(0)2461 - 61 8811