© Forschungszentrum Jülich

HITEC research in energy and climate is interdisciplinary and international

HITEC covers the fields of energy and climate research for a sustainable future. The grand challenge - how can society be supplied with energy on a global scale – can only be answered if we develop environmentally friendly renewable energy concepts, i.e. if we succeed in using fossil fuels more efficiently in the future, in refining stationary storage technologies, in tapping completely new energy sources, and in increasing the proportion of renewable energies in the energy mix.

Research at HITEC


Green power for

Sun, wind, and water instead of coal and oil: what could a sustainable energy system that relies on renewable energy look like? Jülich scientists show how the climate transition can be improved, sped up, and made more economical.

More about Energy
©Karsten Würth

Research at Helmholtz